[線上直播] Lung Embolization and Pulmonary Imaging (110)
活動日期 2021/03/23 星期二 19:00 ~ 20:30
主辦單位 台灣古爾貝特股份有限公司
活動地點 線上直播
活動內容 19:00~19:05 Welcome & Introductions
19:05~19:25 Pre-operative Dye Localization of Lung Nodule for Thoracoscopic Surgery
講師:Prof. Yeun Chung Chang, National Taiwan University Hospital (Taiwan)

19:25~19:45 A Systematic Approach to the Management of Massive Hemoptysis by IR
講師:Dr. Jagadeesh R, Asian Institute of Gastroenterology (India)

1945~20:05 Liquid embolizing agents for Bronchial Artery embolization
講師:Dr. Arun Gupta, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (India)

20:05~20:30 Q&A

Webinar moderated by Dr. Ding-Kwo Wu, Kaohsiung Medical University (Taiwan)

教育積分 放射線專科醫師教育積分 2
認定時數 1 小時
聯絡資訊 楊慧儒
Tel: 02-25061160#14
Email: jenny.yang@guerbet.com