[線上直播] The 5th KSR-TRS Friendship Symposium 2022 (111)
活動日期 2022/07/02 星期六 09:00 ~ 14:05
主辦單位 中華民國放射線醫學會
活動地點 線上直播
活動內容 The 5th KSR-TRS Friendship Symposium 2022

09:00~09:10 Opening Remarks
講師:Jin Mo Goo (President of KSR) / Hong-Jen Choiu (The 31st President of TRS)

Session 1 (session chair: Jin Mo Goo)
09:10~09:30 Lung cancer screening in Korea
講師:Hyae Young KIM (National Cancer Center, Korea)

09:30~09:50 Real-world data on lung cancer screening- 10 years' experience in Southern Taiwan
講師:Fu-Zong Wu (Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital)

09:50~10:10 LDCT lung cancer screening in never-smokers: Current evidence
講師:Jin Mo Goo (Seoul National University Hospital)

10:10~10:30 Detection failures in CT screening for lung cancer: analysis of CT findings
講師:Hsian-He Hsu (Tri-service General Hospital)

10:30~10:40 Coffee Break

Session 2: (session chair: Yung-Lian Wan)
10:40~10:45 Session Opening
講師:Yung-Liang Wan (Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital)

10:45~11:05 Image approach of ground glass nodule (GGN)
講師:Yung-Liang Wan (Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital)

11:05~11:25 Applications of MRI or MR-PET to patients with lung nodules
講師:Yu-Sen Huang (National Taiwan University Hospital)

11:25~11:45 Staging of lung cancer
講師:Tae Jung Kim (Samsung Medical Center)

11:45~12:05 Prognostication using CT features in patients with early-stage lung cancer
講師:Hyungjin Kim (Seoul National University Hospital)

12:05~12:35 Coffee Break

Session 3 (session chair: Yeun-Chung Chang)
12:35~12:40 Session Opening
講師:Yeun-Chung Chang (National Taiwan University Hospital)

12:40~13:00 Basic radiomics in lung cancer
講師:Geewon Lee (Pusan National University Hopsital)

13:00~13:20 CT radiomics for risk stratification of lung cancer
講師:Yeun-Chung Chang (National Taiwan University Hospital)

13:20~13:40 AI in lung cancer imaging
講師:Eui Jin Hwang (Seoul National University Hospital)

13:40~14:00 Percutaneous ablation of lung cancer
講師:Chun-Ku Chen (Taipei Veterans General Hospital)

14:00~14:05 Closing Remarks
講師:Yeun-Chung Chang (National Taiwan University Hospital)

* 尚未登錄教育積分,如對積分登錄有詢問請洽主辦單位。
教育積分 放射線專科醫師教育積分 10
認定時數 5 小時
聯絡資訊 放射線醫學會秘書處
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Email: office@rsroc.org.tw