【2021】第 70 次學術研討會壁報展示得獎名單

特優 EP002-BR
姚敏思醫師 (台北市立萬芳醫院)
Detecting various distribution patterns of calcifications in mammograms: a graph convolutional network approach

特優 EP006-CV
黃柏諭醫師 (高雄榮民總醫院)
利用電腦斷層影像組學能判別不穩定性斑塊 -- 傾向性評分匹配的研究
CT radiomics of coronary artery calcification associate with acute coronary syndrome – An Agatston score propensity-matched study

特優 EP021-CH
吳輔榮醫師 (高雄榮民總醫院)
A comparative study to evaluate CT-based semantic and radiomic features in preoperative diagnosis of invasive pulmonary adenocarcinomas manifesting as subsolid nodules

特優 EP035-GI
王美琳醫師 (台中榮民總醫院)
Image manifestations and pitfalls of nutmeg liver: case series and literature review

特優 EP072-IR
宋康醫師 (成大醫院)
Computed tomography-guided methylene blue localization: single versus multiple lung nodules

特優 EP080-MS
謝賜吉醫師 (奇美醫院永康院區)
以動脈血液標記 (ASL) 磁振影像研究肌肉骨骼腫瘤之血管性
Vascularity assessment of musculoskeletal tumors using arterial spin labeling (ASL) magnetic resonance imaging

特優 EP094-PE
李莉文醫師 (嘉義長庚紀念醫院)
簡單預估台灣兒童 MR 影像之腹部脂肪面積的方法
A simple method to estimate adipose tissue area using MRI in Taiwanese children

特優 EP112-AI
石運儒醫師 (奇美醫院永康院區)
Real-time AI prediction of AKI and dialysis after contrast-enhanced CT among emergency department and hospitalized patients

特優 EP149-BN
郭郁慈 (臺北醫學大學生物醫學工程學系)
Unsupervised Clustering in Imaging Segmentation of the Swallow-tail Sign