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【2017】第 66 次學術研討會壁報展示得獎名單
特優 EP004-BR
王甄醫師 (台北榮民總醫院放射線部)
王甄 陳冠霖 施庭芳 邱宏仁
Proton MR Spectroscopy of Normal breasts: Association of Risk Factors for Breast Cancer with Water and Lipid Composition of the Breast
優等 EP032-GI
李浩銘醫師 (義大醫院影像醫學部)
李浩銘 葉力仁 黃纓凱 林橙莉 高嘉鴻
The Association Between Barium Examination and Subsequent Appendicitis: A Nationwide Populationbased Study
優等 EP142-IT
陳慰宗醫師 (台北市立仁愛醫院放射診斷科)
陳慰宗 杜興洋
周邊動脈阻塞患者下肢雙時相電腦斷層血管攝影:356 例經驗
Dual Phase CT Angiography of Lower Extremities for PAOD Patients: 356 Cases Experience
佳作 EP147-OT
何子龍醫師 (中國醫藥大學附設醫院放射線部)
何子龍 謝淑惠 林橙莉 沈戊忠 高嘉鴻
Risk of Cancer Among Cardiologists Who Frequently Perform Percutaneous Coronary Interventions: A Population-Based Study
佳作 EP196-HN
鄭凱倫醫師 (中山醫學大學醫學影像部)
鄭凱倫 Mi-Sun Chung Young-Jun Choi JeongHyun Lee Jung-Hwan Baek 董光中
Interobserver Reproducibility of Cervical Lymph Node Measurements on Computed Tomography In Patients With Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
佳作 EP114-MS
鄭允中醫師 (台中榮民總醫院放射線部)
鄭允中 林群翰 蔡昇亨 藍顯章 陳啟昌
Establishing Safe and Effective Approach for Subscapularis Muscle Injection Therapy Based on Magnetic Resonance and Ultrasound Imaging
王甄醫師 (台北榮民總醫院放射線部)
王甄 陳冠霖 施庭芳 邱宏仁
Proton MR Spectroscopy of Normal breasts: Association of Risk Factors for Breast Cancer with Water and Lipid Composition of the Breast
優等 EP032-GI
李浩銘醫師 (義大醫院影像醫學部)
李浩銘 葉力仁 黃纓凱 林橙莉 高嘉鴻
The Association Between Barium Examination and Subsequent Appendicitis: A Nationwide Populationbased Study
優等 EP142-IT
陳慰宗醫師 (台北市立仁愛醫院放射診斷科)
陳慰宗 杜興洋
周邊動脈阻塞患者下肢雙時相電腦斷層血管攝影:356 例經驗
Dual Phase CT Angiography of Lower Extremities for PAOD Patients: 356 Cases Experience
佳作 EP147-OT
何子龍醫師 (中國醫藥大學附設醫院放射線部)
何子龍 謝淑惠 林橙莉 沈戊忠 高嘉鴻
Risk of Cancer Among Cardiologists Who Frequently Perform Percutaneous Coronary Interventions: A Population-Based Study
佳作 EP196-HN
鄭凱倫醫師 (中山醫學大學醫學影像部)
鄭凱倫 Mi-Sun Chung Young-Jun Choi JeongHyun Lee Jung-Hwan Baek 董光中
Interobserver Reproducibility of Cervical Lymph Node Measurements on Computed Tomography In Patients With Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
佳作 EP114-MS
鄭允中醫師 (台中榮民總醫院放射線部)
鄭允中 林群翰 蔡昇亨 藍顯章 陳啟昌
Establishing Safe and Effective Approach for Subscapularis Muscle Injection Therapy Based on Magnetic Resonance and Ultrasound Imaging